Thursday, December 13, 2007

'Tis the Season

Jackson got to meet Santa tonight! The bank where Brian works had a family night with Santa--food, fun, and pictures with the jolly old elf!
Jackson is obsessed with Santa--he actually calls him "guy" for some reason! Every time he sees a picture of Santa or sees him on tv he says "guy"--it's funny the names kids give things!
We had a great time and Jackson loved getting to sit in Santa's lap.

Jackson and the Big Guy...

The fam and St. Nick...
Jackson had his yearly follow-up appointment with the neurosurgeon today (he had surgery when he was 11 weeks old to correct craniosynostosis). He had a cat scan yesterday and everything looks good! There is still a little bit of extra protrusion of his forehead, but it will most likely correct itself over time as Jackson grows. He could have another surgery to correct the cosmetic look of it, but I really dont think it's worth it! He's so beautiful and sweet and I think he looks fabulous!

Monday, November 5, 2007

A day at the park

Yesterday, Brian and I took Jackson to Forsyth Park downtown for a picnic and to play. We had a wonderful time! The weather was great and Jackson had a blast running around playing football with daddy and seeing all of the people walking their dogs.

Brian and Jackson playing football

Me and Jackson

Playing at the playground
The static electricity from the slide had Jackson's hair doing funny things!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

WAY behind on blogging!

I have really hit a road-block with this blogging thing! I really have had every intention of posting some awesome pictures of our trip to Disney World last month and of Jackson getting bigger, but I just havent done it yet!

I have about 300 pictures from our trip to Disney World. Our friends Nick and Jennifer went with us and Jennifer is a professional photographer! So, we had a picture-taker with us the entire time and got some amazing shots of Jackson meeting Mickey and other Disney characters for the first time. I have to admit that I almost got a little teary-eyed seeing my little boy run up to Mickey Mouse for the first time and give him a big hug and kiss! It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience--seeing your child meet Mickey for the first time! Needless to say, we had an awesome trip and we actually went to all 4 Disney parks and 1 water park! We cant wait to go back!

Jackson is now a year-and-a-half old (actually, almost 19 months). At his 18 month appointment he weighed in at 25 1/2 pounds and was 32 1/8 inches long! It is truly amazing how quickly they grow! He is so smart--he just talks up a storm day-in and day-out and LOVES watching football--especially the GAMECOCKS! He even cheers with his fist in the air and says "Cock-ee!" He loves playing football, too. He is actually really great at kicking and throwing his football.

We took Jackson to his first Georgia Southern football game several weeks ago and he loved it! I was worried that he might be afraid of the loud crowd, etc. but he just had a ball! He especially loves the band when they play!

Here are some pictures from today (10-21-2007)...

My hair is slowly going back to blond...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Vegas baby!!!

FINALLY some pictures of my Vegas trip! I've only got 4 right now, and I had to hijack them from my brother's camera! But, I do have some on a disposable camera that I need to have developed, so I'll post more then! We had such a blast!

Me, Brian, and Steven at Voodoo Lounge at the Rio
Nick, Eric, Steven, me, and Brian at Toby Keith's I Love this Bar and Grill at Harrah's

Me and Nick at Voodoo

Eric and me at Ellis Island

Monday, August 13, 2007

I know, I know...

I'm back to being a total slacker on the whole blogging thing...but, I have been busy!

We finally took our trip to Vegas! We were gone for 5 days and had a blast, but I was so glad to get back home to my little boy! Brian and I both agree that it's going to be family-vacations for us for awhile! I'll have pictures of Vegas to post soon--just have to steal my brother's camera to download them!

Jackson is still growing like a week! He's 16 1/2 months old and is just the smartest little boy alive! He still has some sleeping issues (like, he doesnt...) but I just keep praying that it's some sort of phase! He's doing pretty well sleeping in his crib, and we just moved him to his own room yesterday (I know it's crazy that he's been in our room for his entire life!). He slept semi-OK in his own room yesterday, but I dont know how to get him to stop waking up in the middle of the night!

Oh the joys of sleepless nights...

Friday, July 13, 2007

I finally have some pictures to post--although some of them are old! I just got all of these pictures off of my brother's camera...and they date back about 5 months...

February 2007 Jackson and Uncle Nick at granddaddy's birthday celebration

Easter 2007 Jackson and mommy (yes, he's in a "sailor suit" with matching hat; and my hair is NOT red--it's apparently the light that makes it look that way! It's brown!)

TODAY (7-13-07) Jackson and his Elmo backpack

More from today:
Mommy and Jackson just laying around (Jackson fell yesterday and his paci jammed up under his can sort of see the red mark it left...poor baby!)

My little boy!
Brian is out of town in Miami until Sunday. He's down there for Kappa Sigma fraternity's biannual conclave (the last one was in Vegas...see several posts below for a picture from that one). I didnt get to go to this one, but we've only got 3 weeks until a return trip to Vegas! I'm tanning up a storm and trying to look my best for my big vacation...

Thursday, July 12, 2007

15-month stats

Jackson had his 15-month well-checkup this morning and here are his stats...

Weight: 25 lbs. 4 oz

Length: 32 inches

I think the pediatrician said he's in the 50% for everything--my growing boy!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

I stink...

at this blogging thing! I always look at my page, but rarely post anything--I dont know why!

Maybe it's because I have been totally slack with picture taking lately and have nothing new to digital camera fights against me regularly, so sometimes I just give up and dont take pics!

We've been busy lately, chasing after 15-month-old Jackson! I cant believe I'm the mother of a 15-month old! He is SO incredibly sweet--he loves giving hugs and kisses and does it even without being asked! There is no sweeter moment than when your child just randomly comes over to you and gives you a huge just melts my heart!

We've taken Jackson swimming a lot recently and he LOVES it! His favorite part is standing on the side of the pool and jumping in to daddy...he is such a water-baby! I swear he thinks it's a giant bathtub...

For those of you who dont know, Jackson has been sleeping in our bed for almost his entire life. After his surgery (at 11 weeks old) he was extremely clingy to us and would only sleep in our bed, and it's been that way ever since. Well, yesterday was the big day that we re-claimed our marital bed and put Jackson in his "big-boy" far, so good. I do have to sit on the floor right next to the crib until he goes to sleep, but tonight it only took him 10 minutes to fall completely alseep (which is warp-speed compared to what it used to be!). He's slept in his crib for all of his naps yesterday and today and he's in there right now, so we'll see how it goes!

The countdown to Vegas is on...only 3 1/2 weeks to go, and I cant wait!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Good News!

I had my doctor's appointment and ultrasound today and the cyst is gone--so no surgery for me! I'm so happy!

I have been really bad lately about taking pictures of Jackson--isnt that terrible!? I just havent taken anything to post on here, but I promise I'll do better!

The Vegas countdown is on in the Dart house--we're so excited to go!

Friday, June 8, 2007


I was supposed to be going back to the doctor for another ultrasound and update on my cyst situation on Monday, but the office called to reschedule because my doctor wouldnt be there Monday! So, now my appointment is this coming Wednesday--I have to go 2 extra days no knowing what's going on! I'm really hoping the cyst is gone--otherwise, it'll be me going under the knife (which I really dont want to do!).

On the bright side--WE'RE GOING TO VEGAS!!! This will be my 3rd time going and I cant wait! The first time I went (July 2005), I got pregnant there. The second time (October 2006), Jackson was 6-months old and it was the first time I had ever left him for any amount of time. We'll just have to see what this time (in August) brings!

This is a pic of me and my boys in Vegas during my first trip out there in July 2005. We were there for Kappa Sigma fraternity's biannual conclave (Brian was still "on-staff" with the fraternity). Little did I know I had a little one on the way...

(L-R): Beau, Brian, me, Moe, Nick, Chris, Rohan
We were in the lobby area of the Mirage hotel (one of my favorite hotels in Vegas)

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Sick and tired of being sick!

The Thursday before Memorial Day weekend Brian got a tummy bug and was in bed the entire long weekend! Unfortunately, Jackson was the next victim and he got sick Monday (Memorial Day) and stayed sick the entire week! He ran a super-high fever of around 104 and had an upset tummy--he was just pitiful!

After 2 trips to the doctor, we finally got some antibiotics and things started getting better! Jackson's back to normal--being full of energy and mischevious! :)

I cant imagine that the "terrible two's" have started already, but BOY does my little angel have a temper! He does not like the word "no" and just fusses if he's told not to do something! He's also starting to explore alternative uses for his 5 teeth--mainly trying to bite people and things! My technique for trying to break him of this is, whenever he goes for anything to bite, I quickly stick his own arm in the way so he ends up biting himself instead. Then, we discuss that it probably hurt him, and it also hurts others. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Get by with a little help from my friends...

Brian has started TiVoing episodes of the Wonder Years that come on every night here. Jackson LOVES the theme song-- Joe Cocker's cover of the Beatles' song "With a Little Help from My Friends."

Here's how it goes...

Jackson asks for us to play the song by standing in the bedroom and singing "Wa, wa, wa, wa" (I guess he's trying to say "What would you do...", i.e. the beginning of the song). So we start playing the song..."What would you do if I sang out of tune, would you stand up and walk out on me..."

When it says "would you stand up and walk out on me" Jackson--EVERY time--turns around, walks out of the room for a few seconds, then comes back in!!! It is THE most adorable thing ever!!! We definitely have a music-lover on our hands!!!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Republican Convention and the zoo!!!

This weekend we went to Atlanta for the state Republican Convention. Jackson was a hit with his republican outfit and was SO good through the entire event!!!

Today we went to the Atlanta Zoo and Jackson loved looking at the animals! His favorites were the gorillas and orangutans--my monkey boy! There was a petting zoo and Jackson really liked the goats--he wasnt scared of them at all! I wish we had a zoo in Savannah--the closest one to us is Jacksonville, Florida and that's still 2 hours away!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How do kids do it?...

Get scratches and bump and bruises all over! I mean, every day Jackson has a new mark somewhere on is little body...and I cant figure, for the life of me, where they come from! Just yesterday he was spending time with daddy in his office, and Jackson emerged with a red welp next to his left eye! How, I ask, how does this happen!? :)

I've been a stay-at-home mom every since Jackson was born, and before that, I was a real estate agent (so I basically just worked whenever I wanted to). But, recently I've sort-of had a feeling like MAYBE I wanted to go back to work. So, I sent my resume in for a position, they called me in for an interview, and I got the job! It's a full-time, all-day thing...

The problem is that I LITERALLY had a total and complete break-down when thinking of having to put Jackson in any childcare facility! I know the extra money would be great, but I just CANT put my little boy in daycare--I mean, those people dont care about each and every individual child! They wont know Jackson's schedule, or what his "words" mean--and what if he gets hurt and cries out for mommy and I'm not there!? That could traumatize my little guy!

So, in the end, I've decided NOT to take the job. I know it's insane that I even went through the whole process, but it led me to see that I definitely feel my place (at least for now) is with my little boy! Maybe if it had been a part-time thing I would have considered it, but I'm here to stay with my baby!!!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Missing my belly...

These are a couple of pictures of my pregnant belly, not too long before I had Jackson (the middle picture is the one closest to the day I had him). They make me look so much bigger than I actually was--I did gain 35 pounds while I was pregnant, but I was ALL belly! It was like I swallowed a basketball!

I guess I'm getting sentimental because of ALL of the people I know that are having babies this year! I know 8 couples having babies in 2007!!

I just found out yesterday that some of our dear friends, Kindall and Patrick, are pregnant, and it conjured up so many memories for me! I miss my big, pregnant belly! All I have growing in me is a big, ugly ovarian cyst! HA!

Maybe one day, folks, it'll be me again...but, not for awhile!

The highlight of Brian's LA trip...

Yes--that is my husband with his "dream girl" Alyssa Milano!

They sat just a few seats away from each other at an LA Dodgers baseball game and Brian snagged a picture with her. I thought I had lost him forever--Alyssa Milano is his "if" girl (like, "if" he ever met her and had a chance with her, I couldnt get mad). So, OF COURSE, that's who he met--how crazy (but I think he passed at the "chance").

He also met Tommy Lasorta (former manager of the Dodgers)...

He and some of the folks in training with him scored tickets to Jimmy Kimmel Live while they were in LA and you can see Brian on the show in several different shots! Exciting trip!!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Today is an EXCITING day...


After being in Los Angeles for the past 10 days, he's coming home and will be in Savannah at 9:15 pm tonight!

Even more exciting is the fact that he has never seen Jackson walk--Jackson started walking on his own while Brian was gone--so Brian will get the extra-special treat of having his son WALK to him when he gets off of the plane!!!

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Some bad news...

I found out yesterday that I have a 2-inch hemmorhagic cyst on my left ovary. I had been having horrible pains for 5 days and finally went in to see my doctor to have an ultrasound, and there the little bugger was--just haning out on the surface of my ovary!

My doctor is hopeful that a round of pills is going to shrink the cyst and let my body reabsorb it, so I started the meds last night. I go back in 6 weeks for another ultrasound, and if it's not gone I'll have to have it surgically removed--wonderful, right!?

Doc says I'm supposed to "take it easy" for the exercise, no heavy lifting, etc. RIGHT!!! Little does she know that my son weighs just under 25 pounds, so I'll be doing some heavy lifting, no doubt about it!

The biggest concern is that it might possibly rupture or cause torsion (twisting) of my ovary...rupture wouldnt be so bad, but twisting would be! I guess I better try to follow the doctor's orders!

Just keep me (and my little ovary) in your thoughts during the next 6-weeks...think shrinking thoughts! :)

Riding my tractor and eatin' my cake...


Jackson got to take a little ride on our yard man's "tractor" (his riding lawn mower!):

When I picked up Uncle Nick's birthday cake, I got Jackson some petit fours from the bakery...he loved his little cakes!

This is Jackson waving hi to daddy...I told him to wave hi to daddy (who's still out of town) and he did!

Brian comes home this Thursday night--only 2 more days to go! The 10-days has actually gone by pretty quickly!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

We have a walker on our hands!!!

I guess Jackson just woke up today and decided it would be the day he started...WALKING! He's been cruising and walking holding onto our fingers forever now, but today he decided to really get going!

At first he was just taking a few steps here and there--between people, from one thing to another, etc. But, after his afternoon nap he was off to the races---he's all over the place! He walked all the way from the front door to our bedroom, he'll walk all the way from the kitchen to the front door, he was ALL OVER the front yard--it's crazy! Just like a switched was turned on and he could walk! We're in trouble now!

The only bad part about it is that Brian is in L.A. until next Thursday and the ONLY thing he asked of Jackson was for him to NOT start walking while he was gone! Brian is so upset that he's missing it! But, I've got my video camera handy and he'll get to see it first-hand when he gets home.

If I can ever figure out how to upload a video here, I'll post one of Jackson on the move!

Monday, April 23, 2007

No More Monkeys...

We have a children's music CD that we play in the car when we're driving around with Jackson and his FAVORITE song on it is "No more monkeys jumping on the bed..." He is SO cute when it starts to play...

he recognizes the beat and the song immediately and gets this excited look on his face. It starts at 5 monkeys jumping on the bed and counts down to 1, but the best part of the song is when it says "no more monkeys jumping on the bed" because Jackson has learned this part. He'll say "mo mo mo mo" (his version of no more monkeys) and he points his finger and shakes it (like you would if you said no, no, no). He's picked this up from us because we always sing that part super-loud and shake our fingers, too.

We're in for a long couple of weeks here at the Dart house--Brian left today and is in L.A. for 10 days for work, so it's just us! I should be used to it by now--when Jackson was only 2 weeks old Brian had to go for 6 weeks of training (he was gone 1 week at a time) in Tampa, but this is the longest he's been gone in a row.

Jackson did have a good time at the airport watching the planes--he loves airplanes! He recognizes their sound when they fly in the sky and when he hears one he goes, "oooh, oooh" and points and looks up. He's so smart!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Dogs, cats, and cows...and walking all around

Some of Jackson's favorite animals to imitate the sounds of! If you ask him "What does a dog/cat/cow say?" he'll reply with his version of the animal sound...

"ugh, ugh, ugh" is a dog (like woof, woof, woof)

"moo, ooooooo" is a cow

"eowwww" (in his best high-pitched voice) is a cat

Jackson loves to move, move, move. He is in perpetual motion all of the time. The only trouble is that he'll only walk if he's holding onto your finger--if you let go of his hand, he'll just plop right down to the floor and crawl away. He definitley has the ability to walk on his own--I've seen him do it before (usually just cruising around from one chair to another or when he get super-excited about something he'll "accidentally" take a few steps), but I think he's just content with his speed-crawling right now.

He absolutely loves taking baths--if he even just hears the bath water running he starts saying "baa, baa, baa" (which, in this context, means bath) and heads toward the bathroom. He very dutifully stands next to the tub and tries to climb in, and once he is in, he goes to work with his toy ducks and a plastic cup that he likes to fill with water and pour over the faucet.

He has also learned to brush his teeth--all 4 of them! He sticks his little toothbrush under the water and puts it in his mouth (he doesnt do much actual brushing--more sucking the water off of the brush).

He's still a pretty crummy sleeper. He's up and down all night long--I just dont know how to get him to sleep completely through the night without any wake-ups! Maybe he'll grow out of this sleepless stage...

My little boy keeps growing up! Maybe it's time to think about #2???

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

New York City

We just got back from a 4-day trip to New York City to visit my sister-in-law and we had a blast! It was very windy, cold, and sometimes rainy, but all-in-all we got to see everything we wanted to. Jackson did a great job on his first airplane ride--no problems at all!

The view of Manhattan from my sister-in-law's apartment:

Central Park...

Jackson with his Aunt Camie...

Radio City Music Hall...

The fam in the Big Apple...

Saturday, April 7, 2007

One-year stats...

Jackson had his one-year doctor's appointment this past Thursday and had all the usual done...weight, length, shots (one in each leg, one in his arm, and a finger prick--ouch!). Here's the update...

Weight: 22 lbs. 12 ounces

Length: 31 inches

The day Jackson left the hospital (exactly one year to the day of his one-year doctor's appointment) he weighed 7 pounds and was 19.5 inches long---SO, in the past year, my little man has gained 15pounds 12 ounces and has grown 11.5 inches in length! AMAZING when you think about it!

Newborn Jackson...



Friday, April 6, 2007

My 1-year-old boy!

This past Tuesday, April 3rd, was Jackson's 1st birthday. I still cant believe that my little boy is 1!!!

We had a party for him the Saturday before his birthday at Oatland Island Wildlife Center here in Savannah. We had a blast--eating, looking at the animals, etc. I actually have no pictures yet of this event--we have a wonderful family friend who is a photographer and she took all the pictures! I havent seen them yet, but I cant wait to!
For his actual birthday, Brian wanted to take Jackson to Chuck-E-Cheese's so we did that. Jackson really could have cared less about anything there, so I really think Brian wanted to go for himself (he, my brother Nick, and brother-in-law Michael had TONS of fun playing games, though!).
Here are some pictures that I do have from April 3rd:

Jackson's birthday balloons on the mailbox (the balloons are now stuck high in a tree in the front yard!!)

The waitress at lunch brought Jackson a birthday ice cream, complete with a candle! Jackson is clapping because we just finished singing to him...

Playing in the front yard:

Birthday fun at Chuck-E-Cheese!!! (yes, my hair is now dark brown)

Monday, March 19, 2007

Playing and Talking

Things that Jackson LOVES to do!

Here are some of the things that Jackson says (and what they mean!):

Daw (dog)
Duh (duck)
Bur (bird, or anything flying in the sky--an airplane, helicopter, etc.)
Ba or Bo (either bird, book, or balloon or ball depending on what he's pointing to)
Baa (bad--usually referring to our cat, who acts out a lot!)
Ca (cat)
Mo (either Nemo or Elmo)
chew (shoes or juice)
Bye and Bye-Bye

He understands everything we say--if you ask him where the lights are, he'll point up to the lights on the ceiling. He can identify anything we ask him to--cups, balls, specific people, anything! He HATES the word no and has little tantrums if he's told no or stop. He loves music and dancing, loves his grandparents and uncles, and especially his mommy and daddy!

Jackson, just yesterday, took his first 3 unassisted steps! He hasnt done it again, but it's a start! He'd walk all day long if he could hold our fingers, so Iknow he'll be running around soon enough!

Of course, I just think he's exceptionally intelligent, but I think I might be a bit biased! :)

Pretending to talk on Mommy's cell phone...

Pretend eating with his spoon and stacking cups...

Climbing the stairs...

Jamming to the music...