Jackson got to meet Santa tonight! The bank where Brian works had a family night with Santa--food, fun, and pictures with the jolly old elf!
Jackson is obsessed with Santa--he actually calls him "guy" for some reason! Every time he sees a picture of Santa or sees him on tv he says "guy"--it's funny the names kids give things!
We had a great time and Jackson loved getting to sit in Santa's lap.
The fam and St. Nick...
Jackson had his yearly follow-up appointment with the neurosurgeon today (he had surgery when he was 11 weeks old to correct craniosynostosis). He had a cat scan yesterday and everything looks good! There is still a little bit of extra protrusion of his forehead, but it will most likely correct itself over time as Jackson grows. He could have another surgery to correct the cosmetic look of it, but I really dont think it's worth it! He's so beautiful and sweet and I think he looks fabulous!
how sweet! i'm so glad jackson likes santa! and i'm glad the follow up mri was good. you're right - jackson does not need any cosmetic surgery! he is a very handsome little man!
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