Friday, June 8, 2007


I was supposed to be going back to the doctor for another ultrasound and update on my cyst situation on Monday, but the office called to reschedule because my doctor wouldnt be there Monday! So, now my appointment is this coming Wednesday--I have to go 2 extra days no knowing what's going on! I'm really hoping the cyst is gone--otherwise, it'll be me going under the knife (which I really dont want to do!).

On the bright side--WE'RE GOING TO VEGAS!!! This will be my 3rd time going and I cant wait! The first time I went (July 2005), I got pregnant there. The second time (October 2006), Jackson was 6-months old and it was the first time I had ever left him for any amount of time. We'll just have to see what this time (in August) brings!

This is a pic of me and my boys in Vegas during my first trip out there in July 2005. We were there for Kappa Sigma fraternity's biannual conclave (Brian was still "on-staff" with the fraternity). Little did I know I had a little one on the way...

(L-R): Beau, Brian, me, Moe, Nick, Chris, Rohan
We were in the lobby area of the Mirage hotel (one of my favorite hotels in Vegas)

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