Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Sick and tired of being sick!

The Thursday before Memorial Day weekend Brian got a tummy bug and was in bed the entire long weekend! Unfortunately, Jackson was the next victim and he got sick Monday (Memorial Day) and stayed sick the entire week! He ran a super-high fever of around 104 and had an upset tummy--he was just pitiful!

After 2 trips to the doctor, we finally got some antibiotics and things started getting better! Jackson's back to normal--being full of energy and mischevious! :)

I cant imagine that the "terrible two's" have started already, but BOY does my little angel have a temper! He does not like the word "no" and just fusses if he's told not to do something! He's also starting to explore alternative uses for his 5 teeth--mainly trying to bite people and things! My technique for trying to break him of this is, whenever he goes for anything to bite, I quickly stick his own arm in the way so he ends up biting himself instead. Then, we discuss that it probably hurt him, and it also hurts others. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt!

1 comment:

TheBrookshires said...

That's funny...I remember when my sister was going through that phase...when she would bite one of them...they would gently bite her hand back and explain that it hurt and she shouldn't do it anymore...well one day she bit into me...and I had had enough...so I bit her cheek and left some pretty nasty teeth marks...needless to say...she stopped biting after that. Hehe! I'm not suggesting you bite Jackson...just thought it was a funny story!