I never got around to posting my "birth story"--what actually happened the day my babies were born, so here it goes:
I had been on anti-contraction medication for months and was taking it regularly every 4 hours. The night of December 17th I overslept and missed my 5am dose of medication. When I woke up I could tell I was having some slight contractions, but I took my medicine at 7 am on December 18th and started my day.
As the morning went on, though, I could tell that the medicine wasnt working to stop the contractions and I was getting more and more uncomfortable. I was scheduled for a regular checkup with my doctor the next day, but I called anyway to see if I should come in and get checked out. My doctor decided to just bring me in that day, just to see what was going on.
So, off I went to the doctor at about 11 am December 18th. I went in for my growth scan
ultrasound (I had been having these every 2 weeks to make sure that the babies were growing nicely) and we found that in 2 1/2 weeks McCall had not gained any weight at all. In fact, one measurement the ultrasound tech did showed that she had actually lost a few ounces. So, before even seeing my doctor I knew things werent right.
I finally got into see my doctor and the first words out of her mouth were "What have you had to eat today?" Because I knew I was going to have a csection I pretty much figured out where she was going with her line of questioning. She said that because McCall's growth was obviously being restricted that we needed to go ahead and have the babies that day. She did check me for dilation and I was 3 cm dilated and in early labor anyway, so birth day had come at 35 weeks and 5 days of pregnancy!
They took me right over to the hospital (my doctor's office is at the hospital where I delivered) and got me in the triage area to start my IV and monitor my contractions. The nurse there told me that I was 4th in line for a c-section, but that they put my on a monitor to assess whether my contractions were regular enough and my labor was strong enough to push me to the front of the line. Apparently my labor was progressing enough (I was contracting about every 3-5 minutes at this point) that I was moved up to be next in line.
My parents and brother had come to the hospital with Jackson and were waiting in the waiting room for updates. Typically at Candler, when you have a c-section, they will wheel the baby down the hall to the nursery and stop by the waiting room to show the family, so they were waiting for the big moment!
I got into the operating room and got set up and the surgery actually started before Brian even came in the room! They brought Brian in and my doctor started my surgery at 3:42 pm. Eight minutes later, at 3:50 pm, Brian Hadden was born. Olivia McCall was born 1 minute later at 3:51 pm.
As each baby was born my doctor held them up so I could see them (I really just saw them for a couple of seconds each) and they were given to the nursing staff from the Special Care nursery. I do remember asking how much they each weighed--Hadden was 5 pounds 5 ounces and McCall was 3 pounds 13 ounces. I dont remember much of the rest of the surgery because I was given some medication for the pain that sort of knocked me out a little bit, but Brian left with the babies and headed to the special care nursery. Unfortunately, the nurses werent able to stop at the waiting room to show the family the babies because they had to get upstairs to be evaluated more closely.
After the recovery room I was taken to my hospital room and finally got to see my parents and Jackson. They had all been to the special care nursery to see the babies--something I wouldnt get to do for another 12 hours! But, Brian took pictures and video of the babies so that I could see them.
I was having some blood pressure issues, so my nurse wouldnt let me go to the nursery to see the babies until it was stable enough that I would be OK to go over there. Finally, at 4 am the next morning, I got to see my babies for the first time! It was so amazing and overwhelming--of course I cried!
I stayed in the hospital for 4 days, having to go back and forth to the Special Care Nursery to see and feed the babies. They were in the hospital for 8 days and came home on December 26th--the day after Christmas.
Brian all dressed and ready to go to the operating room with me
Brian Hadden Dart
Olivia McCall Dart
Me seeing the babies for the first time
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