Monday, December 1, 2008

In the home stretch to D-day!

But, not without my share of problems popping up at each appointment!

I'm sure that nobody is truly interested in all the sad details of my doctor's appointments and how each one lasts about 2 1/2 to 3 hours or how new and unusual issues keep coming up, but here's a short breakdown of what's going on:

I had my regular weekly appointment with a nurse practitioner the day before Thanksgiving and my blood pressure was up. I begged and pleaded to not be put in the hospital over the holiday, so I was sent home with strict instructions to lay around and do absolutely nothing until today (Monday) when I was to go back in to see my regular doctor for a check-up and ultrasound to make sure the babies are OK.

So, I go in today and find out immediately that my doctor was called to the other hospital in Savannah to deliver a baby, so she was running at least 45 minutes behind schedule. I was taken in for my ultrasound to see how big the babies are and to make sure they had enough fluid...everything is great there!

Hadden is weighing in at 4 pounds 7 ounces
McCall is weighing in at 4 pounds 3 ounces

After my ultrasound--rather than sit there for an hour or more waiting on my doctor--I went downstairs and got lunch, then came back to the doctor's office and was put on the contraction monitor. Apparently I'm contracting some still (I didnt feel most of them and they were teeny-tiny contractions), but they are enough that they've changed my cervix and I'm now 1 cm dilated!

What's not helping the situation is that I have a pretty nasty cough right now and my doctor is worried that I might literally cough myself into breaking my water--I didnt even know that was possible!

So, I have to take the contraction meds every 6 hours without fail now and I'm also on a prescription strength cough medicine to (hopefully) stop the coughing.

That ended up not being as short an explaination as I'd hoped, but there's the info if you're interested! I have no clue what's going to happen in the next few weeks...I have to go back in on Friday for my second appointment of the week to be re-checked! I'm still hoping to hold on to these babies for at least 2 to 3 more weeks, but we'll see!

Oh--I forgot to add that my total weight gain for this pregnancy is 18 pounds. My doctor just says that I'm, literally, all baby and nothing else! I just hope that it comes off easily when they're born!


Anne said...

Thinking of you and hoping each day gets easier!!

geisme said...

Oh, my goodness! I found your blog through the McGowan's. I only gained 40 with my girls & thought I was doing good. I will tell you this, nursing definitely helped me. By my 6 week checkup I was at my pre-pregnancy weight. My girls will be 4 in March & it does get easier- I promise.