Friday, July 10, 2009

Swimming, getting bigger, and the 4th of July!

Just some new pictures of all the kiddos!

Look how big the babies are getting! Sitting up! "Army crawling" (McCall's new trick)! Babbling (Hadden has started babbling "dada" and "yaya")!

Jackson, his popsicle, and his army man swimming!

Hadden thinks Jackson is SO funny!

McCall loves splashing in the water!

Happy Birthday, America!!!!
I'll have more great pictures of July 4th soon! My wonderful friend, Jennifer, is a professional photographer ( and she took some great pictures of the kids at the 4th of July BBQ at her parents' house! Cant wait to see them all and post them here!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

6 month stats

I took the babies for their 6 month appointment today (they're actually 6 1/2 months old today so we're a couple of weeks late getting in for the appointment!). Here are their stats:


20lbs 12oz (90th+ %)
27 inches (50th %)


15lbs (just above 25th %)
26 3/4 inches (about 75th %)

I couldnt believe that they were basically the same length! McCall is going to be a skinny, tall girl! And Hadden is medium height and chunky right now!

Dr. Shelley asked me how much/often they're eating (formula) and he said that they're actually drinking more formula than most kids their age. I feed them formula first and then baby food, but I think I might try a little less formula and a little more baby food. They also love munching on their baby mum-mum crackers and like the puffs (but they cant pick the puffs up yet, so I have to put them in their mouths!). I've been guilty of breaking off small pieces of bread or whatever I'm eating and giving them some, but both of them have the chewing motion down pat, so I figure it's just practice for them!

They'll go back to the doctor in September for their 9 month appointment--no vaccines at that one, so no shots!

Jackson continues to be a great big brother! He loves his little brother and sister so much!

We've finally made some headway with Jackson being potty-trained. He's by no means there yet, because he still has tee-tee accidents in his pullups (the only reason he's using pullups at all is because I dont have enough regular underwear to last but a couple of days before being washed!), but he always poops in the potty. I havent changed a poopy diaper (of his, anyway) in days and days! It's so wonderful! We're just going to keep practicing with tee-teeing and hopefully the accidents he has in his pullups will wear off! The other night he actually woke Brian up around 3am because he had to go to the potty, so that's definitely a good start!

My kids are all growing up so fast! I just cant believe it!!!