This past weekend we traveled to Columbia, SC for my friend, Freddy, and his fiance, Morgan's. wedding! I've known Freddy since high school! It was the babies' first trip out of town, and they did really well! They slept in Pack-n-plays that the hotel provided. We all went--all 5 of us, my parents, and my brother (who was the best man).
Unfortunately, the first day we were there, Jackson got sick. And he stayed sick the entire time we were in Columbia. In fact, we had to take him to the ER last night for a super-high fever (105 degrees). Turns out he has a double ear infection, so we have antibiotics and hopefully he;ll start feeling better soon!
Here are some pictures from our weekend in Columbia:
Jackson in the fire truck at the EdVenture Museum


A rare picture of me, holding the twins! Of course, neither of them are looking at the camera!

Jackson at the museum

Hadden and Grandma at the wedding reception

McCall and Grandma at the reception

McCall with Daddy at the hotel (eating one of Jackson's Star Wars toys!)

Me with the bride and groom!!!

The fam at the reception (poor Jackson was sick)
I dont know how all of the pictures always get so out of order from the way I want them posted! But, there they are anyway!