I'm a couple of weeks late with posting the info from the twins' 2-month checkups. They're 11 weeks old now and are growing like weeds!
At their 2 month check-up (which was 2 weeks ago), McCall weighed in at 8lbs 4oz and was 20 inches long. Hadden was a whopping 10lbs 12oz and was 21 inches long.
I'm still in total amazement of how much and how quickly they've grown in just 11 weeks. They are both so strong--you can just tell they're itching to just jump up and run around! They are very aware of everything going on around them and Hadden is very vocal. McCall is vocal, as well, but she definitely lets her big brother do most of the "talking" for them! She is a wiggle-worm, though--always squirming and wiggling her way out of her blankets and around the floor.
The other day I put her on the floor on her back to change her diaper. I turned away for just a second to grab the diaper and she had flipped all the way onto her stomach! She hasnt done it since then, and I'm thinking it might have just been a one-time deal for now, but that's just how much of a mover she is!
Even at this early age, we can already see personalities developing in the babies. Hadden is much more laid back--he'll just sit in his bouncy-chair or the swing or on the couch and look around, while McCall is a little more high-maintenence, wanting to be held all of the time and entertained.
When the babies first came home they both got horrible diaper rash and we realized that they were allergic to diaper wipes. So, since then, I've just been using paper towels and water to change them. About a week ago I gave wipes a try again, thinking they might have out-grown their allergy. Unfortunately, Hadden immediately developed a diaper rash that we're still battling, so I guess it's back to paper towels and water for us! The folks at the Bounty factory must be loving me right now!