I had to go in earlier in the week than I usually do--I usually like to go in on Fridays because I switch from week to week of pregnancy on Saturdays and I feel better going in as close to my week change as possible. But, my doctor was off Friday this week so I had to go in Wednesday instead.
I had another growth scan to see how big the babies had gotten over the past 2 (well, actually 1 1/2 weeks). Hadden weighed in at 3 lbs. 14 oz. and McCall was 3 lbs. 13 oz.
They didnt exactly gain the "1/2 pound a week" that they say that some babies do gain, but they are both in the 45% for fetal weight at 32 weeks gestation, which is great for twins.
I was put on the monitor and found out that I'm having some major contractions, so I am now taking terbutaline (an anti-contraction medicine) as-needed when I feel that they're picking up. There are some horrible side effects of this medicine--jittery shaking, nausea, horrible heartburn--so I'm trying not to take it too often.
In the past 3 weeks I've actually lost 1 pound (which I totally dont get at all--I eat like a horse all day long!), so my doctor just wants me to eat and eat and eat. As you can imagine, there isnt much room in my belly anymore (I'm already measuring 38 weeks gestation) so eating that much is just impossible. I've gained a total of 15 pounds so far.
The good news is that both babies are head down. I'm not sure how much more flipping around they're going to do, since space is limited, so hopefully I'll be able to avoid surgery!
I go back in next Wednesday (the day before Thanksgiving) for my next appointment, so we'll see what's going on then!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Updates...I have pictures, too!
YEAH--I finally have some pictures of my little man to post! They're in backwards-order from how I want them posted, but this stupid blogger wont let me rearrange the order of the pics!
Jackson at Disney on Ice, November 5th

Showing off his super-cool Flounder hat at Disney on Ice

Halloween, getting ready to go trick-or-treating at Grandma and Granddaddy's house. To infinity and beyond!

My sweet Buzz Lightyear on Halloween! (He posed like this all by himself--I didnt even tell him to!)

Carving a pumpkin with daddy a week before Halloween....the finished product!
Of course, I have TONS more pictures that I could post, but these are the most recent--being from the past couple of weeks.
Jackson at Disney on Ice, November 5th
Showing off his super-cool Flounder hat at Disney on Ice
Halloween, getting ready to go trick-or-treating at Grandma and Granddaddy's house. To infinity and beyond!
My sweet Buzz Lightyear on Halloween! (He posed like this all by himself--I didnt even tell him to!)
Carving a pumpkin with daddy a week before Halloween....the finished product!
I guess I cant really call him "little" because Jackson is getting so big! He is so, so smart and loves just talking and talking all day long. He has the memory of an elephant, so something he did or heard weeks and weeks (or months) ago still becomes topic of many conversations. His favorite thing to talk about is Disney World, but he also loves sports (mainly football and baseball) and snuggling in the bed to watch TV. He loves singing and remembers new songs after hearing them only once or twice. He knows his ABCs and can count to 14! He's going to be such a great big brother--he knows the babies are coming and sometimes puts his toy basketball under his shirt and says he has babies in his tummy just like mommy!
Of course, I have TONS more pictures that I could post, but these are the most recent--being from the past couple of weeks.
On to pregnancy news--I'm 30 weeks pregnant now and I'm still going to the doctor every week. I actually just had my most recent growth scan this past Friday and the babies are getting so big!
Hadden is 3 lbs. 6 oz. and McCall is 3 lbs. 2 oz!
My doctor feels confident that I might make it to the 36 week mark, which will be December 20th. I'm determined, though, that if I do make it that far these babies WILL be born before the end of 2008!
Hadden has flipped around and is breech now (and has been for weeks) and McCall is head-down, but sort of sideways in my belly. Since Hadden is "baby A" and is the biggest one of the two, he'll have to flip back to being head-down for me to not need a c-section. I'm thinking I'm going to be going under the knife to get these kids out because room is getting scarce in my belly for big movements!
I've been feeling sort of crummy lately--I just feel really big (although everyone tells me I dont look big for being 7 1/2 months along with twins. I've only gained 16 pounds, but it feels like so much more!) and I have really, really bad heartburn. Sleeping is a thing of the past--I usually just find myself passing out on the couch around 4 am and sleeping until Brian and Jackson get up in the morning. I count down the minutes to Jackson's naptime every day because I'm completely exhausted all of the time and try to rest when he does. Thank goodness for my parents who help out so much with watching Jackson and giving me a break when I need it!
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